liquidlights wrote in delena_daily Feb 09, 2010 17:37
surprised face, her david, they know how to have a good time, activity: loling, dressed: casual, being: silly, they just look happy, where: scary farm, it's totally a date, being: scared, look at her: she looks at me, +random person, activity: hanging out, look @ u:u light up when i mention him!, activity: wow staring much?, he makes her laugh
liquidlights wrote in delena_daily Jan 07, 2010 01:38
activity: hanging out, paparazzi are stalkers, activity: walking, dressed: casual, where: mall
liquidlights wrote in delena_daily Nov 29, 2009 15:27
being: silly, gesture: hands touching!, paparazzi are stalkers, activity: walking, they just look happy, activity: eating, they don't believe in personal space, activity: hanging out, dressed: casual, where: on the wizards set, at the beginning with you, activity: sharing candy
liquidlights wrote in delena_daily Nov 02, 2009 16:01
being: silly, where: in david's dressing room, +godfather poster, im only me with im with you, activity: hanging out, nick who?, .gifs ftw, activity: loling, dressed: casual, he makes her laugh, being: salespeople, where: on the wizards set, gesture: facepalm!, burnin' up!
liquidlights wrote in delena_daily Oct 26, 2009 13:03
where: in david's dressing room, guitar: which he's really really good at, being: extra touchy feely, +godfather poster, they don't believe in personal space, activity: hanging out, +random person, dressed: casual, at the beginning with you, muscley arms, where: on the wizards set, myspace